AI Generated City of “Example” Council Plan 2024–2028

Redacted any name of council for legal purposes

Christopher M. Gage
15 min readJun 15, 2024

Acknowledgement to Country

The City of Example proudly acknowledges the traditional owners of the land, the Aboriginal communities and their rich culture. We pay respect to their Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as Australia’s first peoples and as the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we work and live.

Executive Summary

The City of Example Council Plan 2024–2028 outlines the strategic direction for our municipality over the next four years, focusing on driving economic growth, supporting local businesses, creating job opportunities, fostering innovation, and ensuring sustainable development. This plan has been shaped by extensive community engagement and aims to make Example a more connected, bold, and resilient community.

Vision and Strategic Objectives

Vision: To become a more connected, bold, and resilient community by 2031.

Strategic Objectives:

  1. Drive Stronger Connections and Places
  • Deliver sustainable infrastructure and activate community spaces.
  • Foster partnerships for cultural, arts, sports, and leisure activities.
  • Manage urban growth with innovative and sustainable infrastructure.
  1. Develop Platforms for Community Empowerment
  • Enhance community engagement and decision-making.
  • Improve health and wellbeing services.
  • Support local businesses and create job opportunities.
  1. Foster Environmental Sustainability
  • Implement climate change mitigation strategies.
  • Promote sustainable waste management practices.
  • Enhance natural habitats and biodiversity.
  1. Ensure Good Governance and Transparent Decision-Making
  • Strengthen governance practices.
  • Increase community participation in council decisions.
  • Enhance financial sustainability and accountability.

Community Demographics

The City of Example is one of the fastest-growing municipalities in Australia, with a projected population increase from 369,200 in 2020 to over 500,000 by 2041. This growth is particularly concentrated in areas like Cranbourne East and Clyde North. Example is also one of the most culturally diverse LGAs in Australia, with approximately 50% of residents having at least one parent born overseas. The community speaks over 100 languages and represents more than 100 faiths.

The age distribution is shifting, with the largest age cohort in 2020 being 0–4 years, expected to shift to 5–9 years by 2041. The population of residents aged 85+ is also expected to triple by 2041. Example’s economy is robust, with a Gross Regional Product (GRP) of $9.52 billion in 2019, driven primarily by the construction industry.

Key Economic Strategies

  1. Support the Creation of New Jobs
  • Develop local businesses through support and resources.
  • Attract investment through targeted marketing and incentives.
  • Revitalize activity centres to create vibrant business hubs.
  • Facilitate employment pathways with job training programs.
  1. Build and Leverage Partnerships
  • Enhance service provision with local service providers.
  • Collaborate for infrastructure delivery and secure funding.
  • Pursue funding opportunities from government grants and private investments.
  1. Foster Innovation and Sustainability
  • Promote sustainable business practices.
  • Support innovation and technology through an innovation hub.
  • Drive economic growth and resilience through the Economic Development Strategy.
  1. Enhance Community Participation in the Economy
  • Support local economic activities and encourage residents to shop locally.
  • Improve accessibility to economic opportunities for all residents.

Implementation and Monitoring

The implementation of these strategies will be monitored through leading and lagging KPIs. Leading KPIs include new business registrations, job training program participation, and investment in local infrastructure projects. Lagging KPIs include GRP growth rate, local employment rate, and business survival rate.

Annual Budget and Action Plan:

  • Allocate resources based on strategic priorities.
  • Monitor progress through quarterly reports and annual reviews.

Community Feedback:

  • Regularly engage with the community to gather feedback and adjust plans as necessary.


  • Collaborate with state and federal governments, local businesses, and community organizations to achieve strategic objectives.

Performance Review: City of Example Council Plan 2021–2025

The City of Example’s Council Plan 2021–2025 set ambitious goals to drive growth, foster community engagement, enhance infrastructure, and promote sustainability. Over the past four years, Example has made significant strides in achieving these objectives, reflecting the community’s aspirations and priorities. This performance review highlights key achievements and areas where further progress is needed.

Economic Growth and Job Creation


  • Business Support: The City of Example successfully supported over 1,000 local businesses through various initiatives, including grants, workshops, and networking events. The establishment of the Example Business Hub provided a vital resource for entrepreneurs and small businesses, fostering innovation and collaboration.
  • Job Creation: Significant progress was made in creating local employment opportunities. The council’s efforts in revitalizing activity centres and supporting the construction industry resulted in over 5,000 new jobs. The introduction of job training and apprenticeship programs further enhanced workforce readiness, particularly among young people.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Diversification: While progress was made, there remains a need to diversify the local economy. Future efforts should focus on attracting high-tech and green industries to ensure long-term economic resilience.

Infrastructure and Urban Planning


  • Transport Infrastructure: Major investments were made in improving local transport infrastructure. Key projects included the upgrade of major roads, expansion of public transport services, and development of new cycling and pedestrian paths. These enhancements have improved connectivity and reduced congestion in critical areas.
  • Community Facilities: The council invested significantly in community facilities, including the construction of new parks, playgrounds, and recreational centres. The redevelopment of Bunjil Place into a cultural and community hub has been particularly successful, drawing thousands of visitors and enhancing community engagement.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Sustainable Infrastructure: While infrastructure investments have been substantial, there is a growing need to incorporate more sustainable practices. Future projects should prioritize environmentally sustainable design principles and renewable energy integration.

Social Inclusion and Community Engagement


  • Shape Your City Program: The Shape Your City engagement program was a landmark initiative, involving nearly 7,000 community members in decision-making processes. This program provided valuable insights into community needs and expectations, leading to more informed and responsive council actions.
  • Health and Wellbeing Services: Significant improvements were made in health and wellbeing services. The council expanded mental health support services, enhanced community care programs, and increased funding for local health initiatives. These efforts were crucial in supporting residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Inclusive Engagement: While engagement efforts were extensive, there is room to improve the inclusivity of these processes. Ensuring that marginalized and underrepresented groups have a stronger voice in council decisions remains a priority.

Environmental Sustainability


  • Climate Action: The City of Example made notable progress in its climate action efforts. Initiatives included the planting of over 100,000 trees, introduction of sustainable waste management practices, and implementation of community education programs on environmental conservation.
  • Green Spaces: The expansion and enhancement of green spaces have been a major success. New parks and the revitalization of existing ones have provided residents with more recreational opportunities and contributed to the overall aesthetic and ecological health of the municipality.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Carbon Reduction: While strides have been made, achieving significant reductions in carbon emissions remains a challenge. Future plans need to intensify efforts towards achieving carbon neutrality, including greater investment in renewable energy projects and more stringent sustainability standards for new developments.


The City of Example’s Council Plan 2021–2025 has seen substantial achievements across economic growth, infrastructure development, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in economic diversification, sustainable infrastructure, inclusive engagement, and carbon reduction, the council’s efforts have laid a strong foundation for future progress. Moving forward, continued community engagement and a focus on sustainability will be key to achieving the vision of a more connected, bold, and resilient Example.

Strategic Directions and Action Plans

1. Drive Stronger Connections and Places

Infrastructure and Urban Planning

  • Advocate for a well-connected local transport network.
  • Increase digital infrastructure in public realms.
  • Revitalize existing infrastructure to meet changing needs.

Arts and Culture

  • Develop partnerships to make Example a destination for arts and cultural activities.
  • Increase community satisfaction with public areas through maintenance and enhancement projects.

Public Spaces

  • Create and maintain safe, clean, and well-lit public spaces.
  • Increase the number of parks and recreational facilities.

Strategic Indicators

  • Customer satisfaction with public areas.
  • Number of cultural and arts events hosted.
  • Amount of infrastructure investment.

2. Develop Platforms for Community Empowerment

Community Engagement

  • Strengthen community leadership programs.
  • Increase opportunities for community participation in council decisions.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Enhance services for health, ageing, and social inclusion.
  • Increase funding for community grants and support programs.

Economic Development

  • Support local businesses through incentives and partnerships.
  • Develop job training programs to increase local employment.

Strategic Indicators

  • Participation in community leadership programs.
  • Community satisfaction with health and wellbeing services.
  • Growth in local employment rates.

3. Foster Environmental Sustainability

Climate Action

  • Develop and implement a Corporate Climate Action Plan.
  • Increase community participation in environmental education programs.

Waste Management

  • Promote recycling and sustainable waste management practices.
  • Reduce landfill waste through community initiatives.


  • Reintroduce indigenous plant species.
  • Protect and enhance natural habitats.

Strategic Indicators

  • Progress towards carbon neutrality.
  • Reduction in landfill waste.
  • Increase in biodiversity and green spaces.

4. Ensure Good Governance and Transparent Decision-Making

Governance Practices

  • Implement best practices in governance and community engagement.
  • Increase transparency in council decisions and financial management.

Financial Sustainability

  • Develop a sustainable operating model to enhance financial stability.
  • Increase efficiency in council operations through innovation and technology.

Community Participation

  • Increase opportunities for community involvement in council activities.
  • Foster trust and transparency between the council and residents.

Strategic Indicators

  • Community trust in council decisions.
  • Financial performance metrics.
  • Participation rates in community engagement initiatives.

Implementation and Monitoring

Annual Budget and Action Plan

  • Allocate resources based on strategic priorities.
  • Monitor progress through quarterly reports and annual reviews.

Community Feedback

  • Regularly engage with the community to gather feedback and adjust plans as necessary.


  • Collaborate with state and federal governments, local businesses, and community organizations to achieve strategic objectives.

Key Economic Strategies

The economic strategies for the City of Example focus on driving economic growth, supporting local businesses, creating job opportunities, and fostering innovation. These strategies aim to build a resilient and thriving local economy that can adapt to changing conditions and support the community’s needs.

1. Support the Creation of New Jobs

Develop Local Businesses

  • Provide support and resources for local startups and small businesses.
  • Offer training and development programs to enhance business skills.
  • Create networking opportunities for local businesses to collaborate and share knowledge.

Attract Investment

  • Promote Example as an attractive destination for investment through targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Develop incentives and support packages to attract new businesses and industries.
  • Facilitate investment in key sectors such as construction, retail, and technology.

Revitalize Activity Centres

  • Invest in the revitalization of key activity centres to create vibrant business hubs.
  • Enhance infrastructure and amenities in these areas to attract more businesses and visitors.
  • Support the development of mixed-use precincts that combine commercial, residential, and recreational spaces.

Facilitate Employment Pathways

  • Develop job training and apprenticeship programs in collaboration with local businesses and educational institutions.
  • Promote job opportunities within the municipality through job fairs and online platforms.
  • Support initiatives that connect job seekers with local employers.

2. Build and Leverage Partnerships

Enhance Service Provision

  • Collaborate with local service providers to enhance the delivery of business support services.
  • Develop partnerships with industry associations and chambers of commerce to provide additional resources and support.

Infrastructure Delivery

  • Work with state and federal governments to secure funding for major infrastructure projects that support economic growth.
  • Advocate for improvements in transport infrastructure to enhance connectivity and accessibility for businesses.

Funding Opportunities

  • Identify and pursue funding opportunities from government grants and private sector investments.
  • Develop a grants program to support local businesses in areas such as innovation, sustainability, and export development.

3. Foster Innovation and Sustainability

Promote Sustainable Business Practices

  • Encourage businesses to adopt environmentally sustainable practices through incentives and support programs.
  • Develop initiatives that promote the circular economy, reducing waste and increasing resource efficiency.

Support Innovation and Technology

  • Create an innovation hub to support startups and entrepreneurs in the technology sector.
  • Provide access to digital infrastructure and resources to foster innovation and growth.
  • Promote the adoption of new technologies and digital tools among local businesses.

Economic Growth and Resilience

  • Implement the Economic Development Strategy to drive long-term economic growth and resilience.
  • Focus on supporting existing industries while attracting new and emerging sectors.
  • Collaborate with educational institutions to develop a skilled workforce that meets the needs of local businesses.

4. Enhance Community Participation in the Economy

Support Local Economic Activities

  • Develop programs that encourage residents to shop locally and support local businesses.
  • Promote local markets, festivals, and events that showcase local products and services.
  • Create opportunities for community members to participate in economic planning and decision-making.

Improve Accessibility to Economic Opportunities

  • Ensure that economic opportunities are accessible to all residents, including marginalized and disadvantaged groups.
  • Develop initiatives that provide support and resources to underrepresented entrepreneurs and business owners.
  • Promote inclusive economic growth that benefits the entire community.

Strategic Indicators

To measure the success of these economic strategies, the following strategic indicators will be monitored:

  • Growth in key trade industries, employment, or establishments.
  • Increase in local job self-sufficiency and employment rates.
  • Economic growth rate (Gross Regional Product) in line with or exceeding population growth.
  • Increase in the number of partnerships and collaborative programs.
  • Improvement in business satisfaction and support services.
  • Growth in innovation and technology adoption among local businesses

Leading and Lagging KPIs for the City of Example Economic Strategies

Leading KPIs

These are forward-looking indicators that can predict future performance and help guide proactive measures.

  1. Number of New Business Registrations
  • Description: Tracks the number of new businesses registered in the municipality.
  • Purpose: Indicates the economic health and attractiveness of Example for new business ventures.
  • Target: Increase by 10% annually.
  1. Job Training Program Participation
  • Description: Measures the number of participants in job training and apprenticeship programs.
  • Purpose: Reflects efforts in workforce development and readiness.
  • Target: 500 participants per year.
  1. Investment in Local Infrastructure Projects
  • Description: Amount of funding allocated and spent on local infrastructure projects.
  • Purpose: Demonstrates commitment to enhancing infrastructure to support economic growth.
  • Target: $50 million annually.
  1. Number of Business Networking Events
  • Description: Tracks the number of business networking and collaboration events hosted or sponsored by the council.
  • Purpose: Encourages local business collaboration and growth.
  • Target: 20 events annually.
  1. Grant Application Submissions
  • Description: Number of grant applications submitted for state and federal funding.
  • Purpose: Measures the proactive efforts to secure external funding.
  • Target: 30 grant applications per year.
  1. Sustainability Program Participation
  • Description: Number of businesses participating in sustainability programs.
  • Purpose: Indicates progress towards environmental sustainability goals.
  • Target: 200 businesses annually.

Lagging KPIs

These are backward-looking indicators that measure the outcomes and performance after initiatives have been implemented.

  1. Gross Regional Product (GRP) Growth Rate
  • Description: Annual growth rate of Example’s Gross Regional Product.
  • Purpose: Measures overall economic performance and growth.
  • Target: 3% annual growth.
  1. Local Employment Rate
  • Description: Percentage of the local population employed within the municipality.
  • Purpose: Reflects the effectiveness of job creation efforts.
  • Target: 5% increase in local employment rate over four years.
  1. Business Survival Rate
  • Description: Percentage of new businesses that survive beyond their first three years.
  • Purpose: Indicates the long-term viability and support for new businesses.
  • Target: 70% survival rate.
  1. Customer Satisfaction with Business Support Services
  • Description: Survey-based measure of local business satisfaction with council-provided support services.
  • Purpose: Reflects the effectiveness of business support programs.
  • Target: 80% satisfaction rate.
  1. Reduction in Commercial Vacancy Rates
  • Description: Percentage of vacant commercial properties in key activity centres.
  • Purpose: Indicates the health and attractiveness of business districts.
  • Target: Reduce vacancy rates by 15% over four years.
  1. Environmental Impact Metrics
  • Description: Reduction in carbon emissions and waste produced by local businesses.
  • Purpose: Measures the success of sustainability initiatives.
  • Target: 20% reduction in carbon emissions and waste over four years.

Implementation and Monitoring

To ensure these KPIs are effectively tracked and managed, the following steps will be taken:

  • Regular Reporting: Monthly and quarterly reports to monitor progress against leading KPIs.
  • Annual Review: Comprehensive review of lagging KPIs at the end of each fiscal year to assess overall performance and adjust strategies as necessary.
  • Community and Business Feedback: Regular surveys and feedback mechanisms to gather input from local businesses and the community on the effectiveness of economic initiatives.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Ongoing collaboration with key stakeholders, including local businesses, industry associations, and state and federal government agencies, to support economic development efforts.

By tracking these leading and lagging KPIs, the City of Example can ensure that its economic strategies are effective, making necessary adjustments to promote sustainable growth and resilience in the local economy.

Closing Summary: City of Example Council Plan 2024–2028

As we close the chapter on the City of Example Council Plan 2024–2028, it is with immense pride and optimism that we look forward to the future. This plan is more than just a roadmap; it is a testament to our collective vision, resilience, and unwavering commitment to building a community where everyone can thrive.

Reflecting on Our Journey

The past four years have been a period of transformation and growth for Example. We have faced challenges head-on and have emerged stronger, more united, and more resilient. Our journey has been marked by significant achievements in economic development, infrastructure enhancement, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability. Each milestone reached is a reflection of our community’s spirit, determination, and collaborative efforts.

We have seen new businesses flourish, creating vibrant local economies and job opportunities that have strengthened our community. Our investment in infrastructure has not only improved connectivity and accessibility but has also enhanced the quality of life for all residents. The expansion of parks, community centers, and cultural hubs has provided spaces for connection, recreation, and celebration.

Embracing the Future

As we move forward, the City of Example is poised to continue its journey towards becoming a more connected, bold, and resilient community. Our strategic objectives for the next four years are clear: to drive stronger connections and places, develop platforms for community empowerment, foster environmental sustainability, and ensure good governance and transparent decision-making.

Economic Prosperity: We will continue to support local businesses and attract new investments, ensuring that Example remains a hub of innovation and economic activity. Our focus on job creation and skill development will provide opportunities for all residents, fostering a thriving and inclusive economy.

Sustainable Development: Our commitment to sustainable growth will see us integrate environmentally sustainable practices in all our projects. From enhancing green spaces to promoting renewable energy, we will lead the way in creating a greener, healthier Example for future generations.

Community Empowerment: We believe that a strong community is one where everyone has a voice. We will enhance our engagement efforts, ensuring that all residents have the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes. By fostering a culture of inclusivity and collaboration, we will build a community where everyone feels valued and empowered.

Health and Wellbeing: Our focus on health and wellbeing will continue to be a priority. We will expand our services and programs to support mental health, social inclusion, and community care. By promoting active lifestyles and providing accessible health services, we will ensure that all residents have the support they need to lead fulfilling lives.

Celebrating Our Community

The City of Example is a vibrant tapestry of cultures, talents, and dreams. Our diversity is our strength, and it is this diversity that makes Example a wonderful place to live, work, and play. As we look to the future, we are committed to celebrating and nurturing this diversity, creating a community where everyone can thrive.

We have already seen the positive impact of our efforts in the smiles of children playing in newly built parks, the success stories of local entrepreneurs, and the sense of belonging felt by our residents. These moments of joy and accomplishment are the heartbeats of our community, and they inspire us to keep pushing forward.

A Bright Future Ahead

As we embark on the next phase of our journey, we do so with confidence and excitement. The City of Example Council Plan 2024–2028 sets a bold vision for the future, one that is built on the foundations of our achievements and the aspirations of our community. Together, we will create a more connected, bold, and resilient Example.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this journey. Your passion, ideas, and dedication are what make Example a truly special place. Let us continue to work together, support one another, and celebrate our collective successes. The future of Example is bright, and together, we will make it even brighter.

Disclaimer Statement for Article

The Council Plan for the City of Casey presented in this article is a hypothetical example designed solely to demonstrate the capabilities of artificial intelligence in generating comprehensive and strategic planning documents. This example is not an official document of the City of Casey and should not be considered as such. It is a fictional representation created by AI and does not reflect the actual plans, policies, or strategies of the City of Casey or any other real-life council.

The use of the City of Casey’s name and any related references within this document are for illustrative purposes only. This plan has not been endorsed, reviewed, or approved by the City of Casey or any of its officials. It does not represent the views, decisions, or future actions of the City of Casey.

Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The AI-generated content is intended for demonstration purposes to showcase the potential applications of AI in local government planning and should not be relied upon for any factual or decision-making purposes.

By using this example, the authors and publishers disclaim any and all liability for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in the content. No warranties or representations are made regarding the accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the information contained herein for any purpose. The authors and publishers are not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from reliance on this example.

For accurate and up-to-date information regarding the City of Casey’s actual council plans, policies, and strategies, please refer to the official City of Casey website or contact the council directly.

Legal Notice

This document is protected under copyright law. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this material without the express written permission of the authors is prohibited. All rights reserved.



Christopher M. Gage

Ex Deloitte Strategy & A.I Director l Fractional CxO & Advisor | Melbourne Australia | Politics, Defense, Economics I Strategy I A.I I Technology