From PowerPoints to Algorithms: The Evolution of Management Consulting

Christopher M. Gage
10 min readMay 29, 2024


Consulting Commoditized — Image by OpenAI Dall-E

Rise of the Consulting Titans: From Suitcases to Supercomputers

In the past two or three decades, consulting has transformed from a niche advisory service to a behemoth industry, thanks to the meteoric rise of Tier 1 and 2 firms like MMB, to Deloitte, EY, PWC etc. I remember when I first joined Deloitte, I was in awe of its sheer scale. With over 455,000 employees globally, it felt like being part of a huge machine designed to solve some pretty complex things.

As a brief history of where I used to work, Deloitte, started as an accounting firm in the mid-19th century, has diversified its services to include consulting, financial advisory, risk management, and more. The firm’s ability to adapt and evolve has been a significant driver of its growth, leading to revenues that surpass $50 billion annually. This expansion was fueled by the increasing complexity of global business operations and the demand for expert guidance in navigating these challenges. From corporate strategy and operational improvements to digital transformations and mergers, Deloitte positioned themselves as indispensable partner to businesses across all sectors.

However, with great growth comes great challenges. As these firms expanded, so did the expectations of their clients. The need for quicker, more efficient solutions has never been higher, pushing consultants to continuously innovate and deliver value at an unprecedented pace while trying not to burnout.

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AI Invasion: When Bots Crash the Strategy Party

Artificial intelligence is not just a buzzword; it’s a transformative ‘nebulous thing’ that’s reshaping industries, including consulting. The introduction of sophisticated AI tools like ChatGPT has brought about a paradigm shift, challenging traditional consulting models, and prompting a re-evaluation of how we deliver value to clients.

I have seen firsthand the subtle panic to this new technology and how it may impact the industry.

One striking example of AI’s impact occurred during a workshop I facilitated with a group of executives. After a full day of brainstorming and strategic planning, the CEO casually mentioned that he had input our session’s key points into ChatGPT. Within seconds, it had provided insights and suggestions that were remarkably like, if not the same, what we had painstakingly developed. It was a moment of revelation and concern — the knowledge and expertise traditionally held by consulting firms could now be commoditized by AI in under a minute.

With the anticipation of GPT-5, expected to be even more advanced, the implications are profound. AI has the capability to ingest and analyse vast amounts of data, utilizing nearly all existing Tier 1, 2, and 3 consulting models. It can generate strategies and solutions faster and more accurately than ever before, tailored to specific industries and business contexts.

This rapid development means that tasks once considered the bread and butter of consultants — data analysis, model generation, and even some strategic recommendations — can now be performed by AI. The efficiency and speed of these tools are unmatched, posing a significant challenge to the traditional consulting approach.

I have tried and tested this for myself. I have asked ChatGPT to pretend to be a “Deloitte Director” and create an operating model for an Australian Government department using the models it knows. Within seconds it had broken the organisation down into layers, brought insights into how it could be improved, data and KPI’s to actions with a list of key initiatives.

The results…It was good, by no way perfect but 80% there, it knew the models and presented it well.

This was the moment I knew the industry would start to have to change and fast. What once was $200k-$350k and six weeks of work was just done in seconds.

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

A.I had commoditized knowledge.

As I reflect on my experiences, it’s clear that the role of consultants is at a crossroads. We must adapt and redefine our value proposition in an AI-driven world. The focus must shift from merely providing answers to facilitating complex problem-solving, offering deep industry insights, and fostering human-centric solutions that AI cannot replicate. The future of consulting lies in leveraging AI to augment our capabilities, rather than viewing it as a threat.

From Secret Sauce to Public Recipe: The Great Commoditization

The rapid advancement of AI technology has led to the commoditization of expertise, fundamentally altering the landscape of management consulting. Traditionally, consulting firms have thrived on their ability to offer specialized knowledge and proprietary frameworks, honed through years of experience and countless client engagements. However, AI’s ability to absorb and process vast amounts of information means that these once-unique assets are now easily replicable.

AI tools like ChatGPT can now generate insights from large datasets, simulate various business scenarios, and even suggest optimal courses of action. They can apply industry-specific models with incredible speed and accuracy, something that previously required a team of consultants working tirelessly behind the scenes.

This shift means that the value proposition of consulting is no longer in the exclusive possession of knowledge but in how we apply and integrate that knowledge uniquely for each client.

To remain relevant, consultants must pivot from being mere purveyors of information to becoming strategic advisors who can interpret AI-generated data and apply it in nuanced, context-specific ways. Our role is evolving from knowledge holders to facilitators of complex problem-solving, where human intuition and creativity are indispensable. The challenge is to harness AI’s capabilities while emphasizing the human elements of empathy, ethical judgment, and innovative thinking that machines cannot replicate.

New Game, New Rules: Finding the Next Big Play

The commoditization of expertise by AI necessitates a profound shift in the consulting industry’s business model. As we face this new reality, consulting must redefine its role and find its “new normal.” The question is no longer about competing with AI but rather about how we can leverage it to enhance our value proposition.

Consulting firms need to explore new areas where they can provide unique value that AI cannot easily replicate. This involves a strategic pivot towards services that emphasize human judgment, creativity, and ethical considerations. For instance, while AI can generate data-driven insights, it takes a skilled consultant to navigate the cultural and psychological aspects of organizational change, addressing the fears and resistance that often accompany technological adoption.

Moreover, there is an emerging need for consultants to act as integrators and implementers of AI solutions. Instead of viewing AI as a competitor, we should see it as a powerful tool that, when combined with our expertise, can deliver unparalleled results. This means developing new service offerings that focus on the seamless integration of AI into business processes, ensuring that these technologies align with the client’s strategic goals and operational realities.

I’ve seen firsthand how consultants using AI tools like ChatGPT can create more compelling and data-backed presentations, allowing them to spend more time on high-value activities such as strategic planning and client relationship management. The future of consulting lies in this symbiotic relationship between human expertise and AI capabilities.

“Captain Consult” saving the day…..for a price — Image by OpenAI Dall-E

Shifting Gears: From Advisors to End-to-End Superheroes

As AI continues to reshape the landscape of management consulting, we are witnessing a significant shift in consulting services. Traditional models that focused primarily on advisory and implementation services are evolving towards more comprehensive, end-to-end service offerings.

During my time at Deloitte, the bread and butter of our work involved providing strategic advice and helping clients implement those strategies. However, with AI’s capability to quickly generate and test these strategies, the demand for purely advisory services is diminishing. Clients now expect more holistic solutions that encompass the entire lifecycle of a project, from initial strategy formulation to final implementation and beyond.

One clear trend is the move towards ‘Operate’ models where consulting firms manage clients’ services end-to-end. This shift means taking on more responsibility for the outcomes and integrating AI tools to deliver continuous improvements. By managing the full spectrum of services, consultants can ensure that AI technologies are effectively embedded within their clients’ operations, leading to sustainable, long-term benefits.

Risky Business: Navigating AI’s New Minefields

As consulting firms navigate the integration of AI into their service offerings, several key risks must be addressed to ensure long-term success.

The most pressing concern is the commoditization and loss of proprietary knowledge. AI’s ability to rapidly assimilate and apply consulting models means that the exclusive frameworks and methodologies that once set firms apart are now readily accessible to anyone with the right tools.

Another significant risk is market saturation and heightened competition. With AI lowering the barriers to entry, new players can quickly enter the consulting market, offering AI-driven solutions at a fraction of the cost. This increased competition can erode market share and drive down prices, challenging established firms to differentiate themselves in new ways.

Additionally, there is the risk of not adapting quickly enough to the AI revolution. Firms that cling to traditional consulting models may find themselves outpaced by more agile competitors who embrace AI and innovate their service offerings. This reluctance to change can lead to a decline in relevance and a loss of clients who are looking for more dynamic, tech-savvy partners.

Brainstorms and Bots: Strategic Innovation in the AI Age

In an AI-driven world, the role of consultants must pivot towards areas where human intuition, creativity, and strategic thinking are indispensable. AI may excel at data analysis and process automation, but it falls short when dealing with complex, multi-faceted business problems that require nuanced understanding and innovative solutions.

Consultants must focus on advising clients on how to harness AI and other emerging technologies effectively. This involves not just implementing these tools but integrating them into broader strategic plans that drive innovation and growth. For example, helping a client develop a comprehensive AI strategy that aligns with their long-term business objectives can be transformative, providing them with a sustainable competitive edge.

Moreover, in areas like risk management and regulatory compliance, the human touch is irreplaceable. Understanding the ethical implications of AI and ensuring that implementations adhere to evolving regulations requires a nuanced approach that blends technical expertise with ethical judgment. As strategic advisors, consultants can guide organizations through these complexities, ensuring responsible and effective AI use.

Tailor-Made Triumphs: Custom Solutions in a Cookie-Cutter World

As AI technology permeates the consulting industry, the ability to offer highly customized and personalized solutions becomes a critical differentiator and understanding of a client’s unique needs and context remains a distinctly human capability. Consultants bring immense value through their deep industry knowledge and experience, allowing them to tailor solutions that are specifically adapted to each client’s situation.

Building and maintaining strong, personalized client relationships is another area where consultants outshine AI. Understanding the intricacies of a client’s business, their culture, and their strategic goals allows for a level of engagement and trust that AI cannot replicate. These relationships enable consultants to anticipate client needs and provide proactive solutions, fostering long-term partnerships.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Humans and AI in Harmony

The future of consulting lies in fostering effective human-AI collaboration. Rather than viewing AI as a replacement for human workers, the focus should be on how these technologies can augment human capabilities, creating a relationship that maximizes productivity and innovation.

In my experience, AI has the potential to take over repetitive and data-intensive tasks, freeing up consultants to engage in more strategic and creative activities. For example, AI can handle large-scale data analysis, allowing consultants to focus on interpreting the results and developing actionable insights. This division of labour not only enhances efficiency but also improves the quality of the strategic recommendations provided to clients.

Training and upskilling programs are essential to this collaboration. Employees need to understand how to work alongside AI tools, leveraging their strengths while applying human intuition and expertise. By offering comprehensive training programs, consultants can help clients’ workforces adapt to new technologies and work effectively with AI.

Moreover, fostering a culture that embraces AI as a collaborative partner is crucial. This involves addressing any fears or resistance towards AI, highlighting its benefits, and demonstrating how it can enhance rather than diminish human roles. Through workshops and continuous engagement, we can help build this positive culture.

In essence, human-AI collaboration is about creating a balanced partnership where each complements the other. By focusing on this, consultants can help organizations unlock the full potential of AI, driving innovation and achieving remarkable business outcomes.

From Heartbeats to Bitbeats: Leading the AI-Driven Future of Consulting

The advent of AI is undeniably transforming the consulting landscape, presenting both challenges and opportunities. As we navigate this new era, it’s imperative for consulting firms to adapt and redefine their value propositions. The commoditization of expertise by AI necessitates a shift from traditional models to roles that emphasize human judgment, creativity, and strategic thinking.

Consulting firms must pivot towards areas where human elements are irreplaceable — complex problem-solving, ethical AI implementation, leadership development, and human-centric change management. By embracing AI as a collaborative partner, consultants can enhance their capabilities, delivering more innovative and effective solutions to their clients. Firms must also invest heavily in their “operate” models, where they will take on services end-to-end running them more efficiently and effectively than that organisation ever could.

The path forward involves leveraging AI to augment human work, providing advanced data insights, and fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. It’s about moving from thinking work to heart-based work, where empathy, ethical judgment, and deep client relationships become the cornerstone of consulting practice.

As we embrace this transformation, the goal is not just to survive in an AI-driven world but to lead it. Consulting firms must position themselves at the forefront of innovation, guiding their clients through the complexities of AI adoption and ensuring responsible, strategic use of these powerful technologies.

The future of consulting lies in this synergy between human expertise and AI capabilities. By focusing on areas where humans excel and AI enhances, we can create a new normal that drives progress, innovation, and sustainable growth for our clients and the industry.

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Christopher M. Gage

Ex Deloitte Strategy & A.I Director l Fractional CxO & Advisor | Melbourne Australia | Politics, Defense, Economics I Strategy I A.I I Technology