No More IMPOLITE Surprises: Mastering Risk with Style

Christopher M. Gage
5 min readJun 19, 2024


Risk Management — Be IMPOLITE

From Chaos to Categories: The Day I Learned to control the Risk Beast

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by the sheer number of risks in a project, from the mundane to the catastrophic? I have always found risk management workshops dull, really dull and there must be a way of making it faster and more structured. However, while working on a hospital restructure, I was bombarded with risk suggestions ranging from meteor strikes to missing stationery. Managing these varied inputs felt like a wicked challenge. However, I learned that framing our thinking and setting up categories was the key to effective risk management. This realization led me to develop a structured approach that has made a significant difference in my projects.

Extract From A Workshop Slide

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Meteor Strikes and Paper Clips: The Wild World of Risk Brainstorming

During my time working on hospital restructures, I faced numerous challenges in identifying and categorizing risks. I vividly remember one workshops where the suggestions ranged from meteor strikes to nuclear war. While these scenarios were highly unlikely, they highlighted the need for a structured approach to risk management.

Without a structured approach, the discussion can easily become chaotic, making it difficult to address the actual risks that could impact the project.

Instead of allowing the team to list every possible threat, we started grouping risks into specific categories. This not only streamlined our discussions but also helped us focus on the most critical areas. By categorizing risks, we could divide a teams capability into to domain areas and prioritize our efforts.

Seven Deadly (Project) Sins: Meet the IMPOLITE Framework

Let me introduce you to the IMPOLITE risk management framework. IMPOLITE stands for Infrastructure, Method, Politics, Organisation, Legal, IT, Training, and Equipment. Each component addresses a specific area of risk, providing a comprehensive and systematic way to manage potential issues. By categorizing risks into these areas, the IMPOLITE framework ensures that all aspects of a project are considered, making risk management more efficient and effective.

Infrastructure: This includes risks related to physical structures and facilities. For instance, in a hospital project, this could mean anything from the integrity of the building to the availability of critical utilities. Ensuring that the physical infrastructure can support the project’s needs is vital for its success.

Method: Risks associated with delivery methodologies and processes. Are the processes we’re using efficient and effective? Are there better ways to achieve our goals? This category helps ensure that the project is following best practices and that any methodological weaknesses are addressed early on.

Politics: Both internal and external political factors can significantly impact a project. Understanding and managing these risks is crucial, especially in a complex environment like healthcare. Internal politics might involve stakeholder interests and conflicts, while external politics could include regulatory changes or public opinion.

Organization: This category addresses risks tied to the organizational structure and culture. How supportive is the organization of the changes being implemented? Are there any internal conflicts that could pose a risk?

Legal: Legal risks include compliance and regulatory issues. Ensuring that the project adheres to all relevant laws and regulations is critical to its success.

IT: In today’s digital age, information technology and cybersecurity risks cannot be ignored. This includes everything from data breaches to system failures.

Training and Equipment: Finally, we must consider whether our teams are adequately trained and if we have the necessary equipment to execute the project successfully. This category ensures that the human and material resources are in place and capable of meeting the project’s demands.

You can, absolutely, adapt this to your programs needs. For example P can be replaced with People, Place Process etc.

Mission IMPOLITE: Implementing the Framework Like a Pro

Applying the IMPOLITE framework in your projects involves a few practical steps:

1. Identify Risks: Begin by brainstorming potential risks within each of the seven categories. Engage your team in this process to ensure comprehensive coverage.

2. Assess Risks: Evaluate the likelihood and impact of each identified risk. Prioritize them based on their potential effect on the project.

3. Develop Mitigation Strategies: For each high-priority risk, develop strategies to mitigate its impact. This could involve contingency plans, additional resources, or process changes.

4. Monitor and Review: Continuously monitor the identified risks and review your mitigation strategies regularly. Adjust your approach as necessary based on new information or changes in the project environment.

Reflections from Risky Business: How Being IMPOLITE Made Me a Project Hero

The IMPOLITE framework has helped streamline risk management and brought clarity and focus to my projects. By categorizing risks into manageable areas, it became easier to prioritize actions and allocate resources effectively. This structured approach transformed our chaotic brainstorming sessions into productive discussions, ultimately leading to better project outcomes. The IMPOLITE framework has empowered my teams to address real, actionable risks rather than getting lost in improbable scenarios. It’s a practical tool that I highly recommend to any project leader looking to enhance their risk management practices.

Join the IMPOLITE Revolution: Because Who Needs More Chaos?

I encourage you to try the IMPOLITE framework in your next project. By adopting a structured approach to risk management, you can bring clarity and focus to your team’s efforts, ensuring that you’re prepared for any challenges that come your way. Share your experiences with risk management and let’s discuss how we can all improve our strategies. Connect with me and other professionals in the field to exchange insights and best practices. Together, we can navigate the complexities of project risks and achieve our goals with confidence.

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Christopher M. Gage

Ex Deloitte Strategy & A.I Director l Fractional CxO & Advisor | Melbourne Australia | Politics, Defense, Economics I Strategy I A.I I Technology